Kamis, 15 Mei 2008

Bercinta Ala Tiongkok Kuno

Knowing about the person's

personality and character are so important. One good test is to list the qualities that attract us to that guy or girl. If the list is long, we know a lot about them and like those things. If the list is short, we either don't know a lot about them or we know a lot but aren't attracted to his or her personality.

Another important factor in a relationship is common life goals. If the relationship is going to be long term, we need to be going in the same general direction as the other person. If his dream is to travel as an international businessman and she wants to be a realtor in a single location, conflict could arise. If she wants to live in the countryside with nature and he likes the hustle and bustle of a big city, there are potentially serious problems with the direction of the couple's lives.

Love isn't sex. That statement alone goes against a lot of what the entertainment industry feeds us. Whenever two people hook up in pop culture, they have sex. Without showing some of the unpleasant realities of premarital and extramarital sex, it is drawn up to be a wonderful, fun recreational activity.

Setelah mengikuti program dua minggu dari ke lima pelacur Beijing itu, selir Che Xi langsung menjadi favorit kaisar Xian Fen dan tak pernah lagi digebuki oleh kasim.

Selama lebih dari 2000 tahun peradabannya, masyarakat Tiongkok telah berguru pada berbagai buku yang memuat penjelasan detil tentang tata krama dan tata tertib plus aneka trik seksual unggul.

Dua primbon yang terkenal adalah Xuang Ni Jing ( abad ke-5 M ) dan Thong Chuang Ci ( abad 5-7 M ). Dalam Xuang Ni Jing dijelaskan tentang ' Sembilan Jurus Seks ' yang kemudian dimodifikasi dan diperjelaskan lagi dalam ' Tigapuluh Jurus Seks ' dan Chung Feng Er She Se adalah buku seni bersetubuh karya Yet pada jaman Dinasti Ching, kemudian dinamakan Tian Yi Wu Fong, buku ini diperjelaskan ' Duapuluh Empat Jurus Seks ' dan lukisan pose klasik serta puisi.

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