Minggu, 12 April 2009

Pendidikan Seks

Mention the words "child education" and many parents' eyebrows raise when they think about education for kids. Child education is becoming more and more necessary though, and parents need to think about kids' education at an earlier age — especially because of mainstream culture and celebrities. Britney Spears has earned fame for her back-to-back pop hits, but her talent is sometimes upstaged by debate about her body parts — are they bona fide? — and by her clothing, suggestive performances and reporting about her relationships.

Meanwhile, the parents of Britney fans face the challenge of teaching their kids about intimacy, safe intercourse, respect and responsibility in an age of seductive images. How to compete with the contemporary "sells" culture? Better not be boring, says sociologist and author Pepper Schwartz. "Everything is boring if you lecture — even," she says, "so listen rather than lecture. Have a conversation. Don't fill in the blanks. Find out what they want to know, and don't feel the need to give them more or less."

In her book for Dummies, therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer gives this example about telling kids what they want to know: After a girl in his class expressed that she was different from him, 5-year-old Jimmy asked his mother what the girl had meant. After speaking awkwardly for 10 minutes about the differences between boys and girls, Jimmy's mom asked if he wanted to know anything else. "Yes," he said. "Kim said she was Chinese. What does that mean?" Although Mom told Jimmy more than he wanted to know, experts agree that he'll be OK because he has a parent (and maybe two) willing to have a frank discussion about. That's the key to shaping a healthy attitude, they say.

Teaching From the Time They're Tots
According to Schwartz, the time to introduce the subject of is when a child wants to know what their "peepee" is. By talking to your children in a developmentally appropriate way, you remove the taint of taboo, she says.

Experts recommend that you consider buying a children's book on to guide you through the tougher topics, and when possible broach a related subject in terms of a TV show or movie you and your child have seen, or a book he or she has read.

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